Generic Elective- Media and communication skills- Unit- 1 ( Mass Communication An introductions )

Today Topic- Generic Elective- Media and communication skills- Unit- 1 ( Mass Communication An introductions ) SEMESTER -VI

Subject- Sol / Regular / Ncweb / Others

media and communication skills- unit- 1- mass communication an introductions

Q. What is mass communication?

  • Mass communication can be simply designed as public communication transmitted electronically or mechanical. 
  • Mass communication is communicating with the mass for the purpose of disseminating information for the purpose of farming opinions to create awareness of different show she'll article and cultural as well as political and economic issues and also to issues advisory is of different kinds.

Q. What is  “mass” in  communication?

  • The term mass in mass communication can be defined as a large heterogeneous, assorted, anonymous audience.
  • By large one means that one cannot exactly counter number of the members of audience....
  • By  heterogeneous one means that the audience includes people from different walks of life like rich ,poor etc...
  • By assorted one means that the audience of mass media is not necessarily limited to a particular geographical area...
  • By Anonymous one means that it is very difficult to specifically identify a reader of a newspaper over the people watching a particular advertisement

Print media:- like newspaper magazines and books etc.

Earlier, books were only meant for the elite and the royal families. In the later date, Newspapers came into being which revolutionized the war mews was made available to people. Print Media includes Newspapers, Magazines, books and other textual documents, such as pamphlets, leaflets, etc.

Electronic media :- like radio cinema television video audio record etc.

  • In this phase of rapid growth of technology, radio and television, also came in as surprises once - radio during the post Second World War as a medium of mass communication and Televisions during 1980's as a medium of mass communication.
  • Electronic Media is not only for entertainment, but also for dissemination of information and education of the masses.
  • Radio broadcasting in India began as a private venture in 1923-24 when three radio clubs were established in Bombay, Calcutta and Madras.
  • It is after the operations of these satellites that a havoc change happened in the world of communication and from then on, the on-ward march of television as a mass media started.

Digital media:- like CD ROMs, DVD, and cyber media. 

  • Online and digital means of producing, transmitting and receiving messages 
  • are called new media.
  • The term encompasses computer mediated communication technology. 
  • It implies the use of desktop and portable computers as well as wireless and handheld devices.
  • Online and digital means of producing, transmitting and receiving messages are called new media. The term encompasses computer mediated communication technology.

Q. Nature of Mass Communication/Mass Media.

  • Mass Communication is public one, in the sense that anyone can participate in mass communication process as and when he or she wishes to.
  • Mass Communication is a mediated communication act in the sense, like any Other communication process a medium of communication.
  • Mass Communication is often filtered communication as there is usually some.
  • Gatekeeping or filtering in mass communication processes.
  • Often mass communication involves complex technologies to communicate with a larger audience.
  • Mass communication processes have the potential in them to alter the 
  • way people think and behave.
  • In Mass Communication, there are very little chances of two-way communication.
  • In modern days, the nature of Mass Communication has become such that the communicators usually do not have the chance of meeting their audience directly.
  • Mass Media is the main source of our information and entertainment these days. 
  • We all are bombarded with information all the time from all corners by different advertisements, news, information, etc.

Q. What are the Functions of mass media ?

  • Informative function 
  • Educational function 
  • Entertaining function
  • Persuasive function
  • Surveillance of the environment
  • Interpretation of information
  • Transmission of heritage

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